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We’re on the Cover of HGTV Magazine (Again)!

Get a sneak peek at the November issue, on newsstands now.

Seeing double…or triple?ALL PHOTOS: LARSEN & TALBERT/HGTV

It was just this past March when we became HGTV Magazine’s first-ever cover stars…and now they’ve asked us back again! Check out some of our photos and quotes from the new issue below, then head to HGTV.com for even more snippets. And, of course, be sure to buy a copy (or ten) if you’re not already an HGTV Magazine subscriber!

“When friends come over for karaoke, there’s a good chance we’ll sing something from Grease. I do Olivia Newton-John and Jonathan is John Travolta.” —Drew

“On weekends I try to hit the courts and play basketball or tennis. I’m not half bad!” —Jonathan

“On Sundays, Linda and I hit flea markets and hole-in-the-wall shops for coins and antiques.” —Drew

“The song I can’t get out of my head: ‘Delicate’ by Taylor Swift.” —Jonathan

Oh, and if we have to share the HGTV cover with something…we’re glad it’s a cozy kitchen design!

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We’ve curated the best of the Bros, including their tips, tricks, interviews, episode recaps, and more… all in one place. Keep reading for show news, updates about our products, inspiration from Drew and Jonathan’s renovations (and their homes!),

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