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Drew and Jonathan’s Best Cleaning Tips and Tools to Get the Job Done

drew and jonathan scott

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You can’t put it off any longer! Spring cleaning season is here and it’s time to get your house back in tip-top shape. But we know that doesn’t just happen. Someone’s gotta do the actual dusting, vacuuming, disinfecting, and tackling those spots you procrastinate on all year (garbage disposal, anyone?) But everything’s more fun when you’re not doing it alone! And if you’re here, it’s because you signed up for our 7-day Spring Cleaning Challenge…which means you’re ready to roll up your sleeves side-by-side with us and get that house sparkling. To kick off the week, we chatted with none other than Drew and Jonathan to get their best cleaning tips and go-to products they keep stocked.

As busy dads, they know how quickly things can get out control, but they have some pretty clever solutions to keeping your mind sane and your space streamlined. Here’s some guidelines to remember while you head into the 7-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge:

Drew and Jonathan’s Best Cleaning Tips


Make a Plan

drew scott

Start by forming a plan and getting the right tools to make it happen. Create a checklist of all the chores you want to get done, and then pick up the things you need to accomplish them. To help, we curated a list of our favorite essential cleaning products and tools below. —Drew


Do a Little Every Day

jonathan scott

Regular cleaning is the key to keeping your space spick and span. If you wait to do one big clean every few weeks, it’s going to feel overwhelming, and you’ll be tempted to put it off. But if you tackle one room or task every day, your house will always look great, and it won’t feel like such a chore. —Jonathan


Make It a Team Effort

free printable chore chart

Get the whole family involved so the burden doesn’t fall on one person. We even made a free printable chore chart you can use to help keep everyone accountable. —Jonathan


Cut the Clutter

drew and jonathan scott

Declutter first! It’s hard to get a room truly clean if you haven’t donated or thrown out everything you don’t need in a space. Tackle that, then get into the nitty gritty. —Drew


Find the Joy

drew and jonathan

Find ways to make it fun! Play music or turn on a podcast or audiobook you’ve been meaning to listen to. You might find that cleaning can actually be a nice form of me-time…especially if you have kids. —Drew


Don’t Procrastinate

jonathan scott

Start with the worst thing in the room first. If you do that, everything else will feel easy. —Jonathan

Drew and Jonathan’s Go-To Cleaning Products

Formulas, Soaps, and Sprays

First, you need to stock up on right all-purpose cleaners to tackle every room. Here’s what Drew and Jonathan keep under their sinks!

Vacuums, Sponges, and Sweepers—Oh, My!

Then, you need the tools to make it happen! Here are the vacuums, sponges, and other items Drew and Jonathan have at the ready for all of life’s messes. (Plus, a great candle you can light when everything’s officially clean.)

Now, it’s time to get to it! What spaces do you need the most help with? Message us at @DrewandJonathan and let us know!

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